Manuscripts and Monastic Culture
edited by Alison I. Beach, University of Cologne
Brepols, 2007

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Table of Contents
  • "Introduction"
        Nigel F. Palmer, Oxford University
  • "The Place of Germany in the Twelfth-Century Renaissance"
        Rodney Thomson, University of Tasmania
  • "Art, Exegesis, and Affective Piety in Twelfth-Century German Manuscripts"
        Adam S. Cohen, University of Toronto
  • "Speaking of Spiritual Matters: Visions and the Rhetoric of Reform in the Liber visionum of Otloh of St Emmeram"
        Ellen Joyce, Beloit College
  • "Illustrations in the Manuscripts of the Admont Nuns from the Second Half of the Twelfth Century: Reflections on Their Function"
        Stefanie Seeberg, Independent Scholar
  • "The Multiform Grace of the Holy Spirit: Salvation History and the Book of Ruth at Twelfth-Century Admont"
        Alison I. Beach, University of Cologne
  • "Women's Reading and Monastic Reform in Twelfth-Century Germany: The Library of the Nuns of Lippoldberg"
        Julie Hotchin, Independent Scholar
  • "Christ's Educated Brides: Literacy, Spirituality, and Gender in Twelfth-Century Admont"
        Christina Lutter, University of Vienna
  • "Scholastic Theology in a Monastic Milieu in the Twelfth Century: The Case of Admont"
        Constant Mews, Monash University
  • "Diligens scrutator sacri eloquii: An Introduction to Scriptural Exegesis by Hugh of St Victor Preserved at the Admont Library (MS 672)"
        Ralf M. W. Stammberger, Hugh of St. Victor Institute
  • "Bernard of Clairvaux's Sermones Super Cantica Canticorum in Twelfth-Century Austria"
        Lisa Fagin Davis, Independent Scholar

Manuscripts and Monastic Culture arose out of a conference by the same name that took place at Stift Admont in August 2002. You may view the conference website here.

Planning for a subsequent conference that will bring together scholars from the Anglo-American and German traditions is in its early stages. For more information, please contact Prof. Alison Beach.

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