This is an archived version of the conference website.
The monastery of Admont in central Austria was one of the most important
spiritual, cultural and intellectual centers in the high Middle Ages. Its
magnificent library still houses an extensive collection of manuscripts - a rich
resource both for the history of the monastery and for the broader history of
medieval religious life. The goal of the conference is to bring together an
international group of scholars whose work touches on various aspects of twelfth-
century Admont.
The conference will be conducted in German and English, and papers will be
distributed in advance. German speakers will provide an English summary of their
papers, and English speakers, a German summary. Most sessions will include the
presentation of two papers, each approximately thirty minutes long, followed by
response and open questions.
Between the morning and afternoon sessions there will be ample time for scholars
to work in the library and archives.
There will an excursion to Pürgg and Frauenberg bei Admont on the second day
of the conference.
The conference will be held at the Stift
in beautiful Admont, Austria.